Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Week 11, Zanna: Loving Touch

The Exercise: Use loving hands and a loving touch, even with inanimate objects.

I usually try not to touch people with hateful hands, mostly because it might result in fisticuffs... and I'm much too civilized for that. No, really. OK, not really, I'm just better at verbal sparing than physical sparing.  At any rate, using loving hands with people wasn't too difficult. Of course, at work, putting my hands on anyone always makes me feel like the corporate compliance police will come and wag their fingers at me (though, not too close).  So that was an easy battle just through lack of engagement.

The tough part of this was to use the loving hands with inanimate objects.  Some things were easier than others. Cradling the toilet brush, for example, was not really in my nurturing abilities, but I could gently fold t-shirts. Putting things away was gentle... except when the objects were out of reach of my short self and I had to (gently) toss things to a top shelf.  I tried to be equitable, but the tupperware (not the brand, the general name for plastic containers) cabinet earns the hot hatred of a thousand suns. Occasionally, I'd completely forget as I lazily tossed flatware into the drawer, and then a creepy voice would sound inside my head, "Do the spoons still scream, Clarice?"

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