“Kind words do not cost much. They never blister the tongue or lips. They make other people good-natured. They also produce their own image on men's souls, and a beautiful image it is.” --Blaise Pascal
The exercise for this week is each day to give someone close to you, preferably a family member or friend, a sincere, specific compliment and notice its effect. (Telling a stranger you like their shoes doesn’t count. I say this because I love shoes. My eyes are magnetically drawn to women’s shoes.) Also part of the exercise is to be aware of the compliments that are given to you and how they affect you.
First let me say that I could not have picked a better week for receiving compliments. Having a birthday during this exercise time was a great cosmic coincidence. I am still floating on the clouds of heartfelt love I received from my Facebook messages alone. Along with that, teaching a yoga class on my birthday and receiving compliments, gifts, and flowers from my students shot my heart wide open. This was a much needed boost in a week that has been challenging for me personally and professionally as a yoga teacher.
Giving compliments is the natural way I can express my desire to look for the good first. When I complimented a student on their steadiness to their studentship of yoga I could see a physical change in how a pose was practiced. When I complemented my son on how well he parked the car, he beamed with pride back to me. Words matter. They can make or break a love affair. They can also fuel a movement or start a war. Using words wisely is key to a mindfulness practice.
I want to hold onto the lesson of this week and remember to practice giving out kind words freely each and every day. To not be stingy with compliments or in showing my gratitude or affection to those close to me. May each of us use kind words to impress beautiful images on each other's hearts and souls.
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